What does LOHAS mean for Packaging


A recent article LOHAS: The Next Secular Shift discusses how people embracing the Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability are changing the face of consumption. “The dynamics of the LOHAS market, which are really driven by a whole new consumer mindset of sustainability and peak resource theory, has propelled the economic growth of the LOHAS space.” According to the author Andre Peschong, the market for LOHAS has been growing at a double digit pace despite the recession. While it feels like oxymoronic to discuss peak resource theory and personal consumption in the same space, people will not stop consuming but how and what they consume does change.IMG_1207

Peschong argues that “What we really need to look at is the next secular shift in the consumer marketplace. A secular shift is a long term trend that changes the way we live and/or readjusts our mindsets.”

Peschong concludes, “This secular trend is in its infancy but will become a prominent factor in the years to come. People finally realize that resources are finite and that we need to focus the global consciousness on sustainability, which is why the LOHAS movement will be such a major factor in the economic growth of, not only the US, but the world.”

Thinking ahead of this curve mean anticipating not only what products should be coming down the road but how people will be impelled to consume them, how to deliver them – which leads to how to package them.

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