brownie in diefold wrap
Here is a sample of a brownie wrapped on our TTDF wrapper. It saves our customers from sore fingers.
We have been hearing lots of complaints from artisanal food and candy makers about sore fingers. The more successful they are at selling their brownies, cookies or candies, the more wrapping they have to do by hand and the more sore their fingers get.
Not only are sore fingers an issue but the very clever people who do the producing are also the ones who do the wrapping. In addition to giving them sore fingers, wrapping takes them away from making more goodies.
What would it be if they could quadruple their wrapped product in the same amount of time they use for wrapping now and have more time for cooking up a new treat?
In the name of saving creative people from sore fingers, we want every artisanal cook and baker to have a TTDF in their kitchen. And we want those brownies, cookies and candies for the rest of us.