We are getting another chance to discuss sustainable packaging with a company. So we started trying to list what the potential savings could be. Please add to the list if you can.
In this case, they are thinking about eliminating a two piece box and using film for overwrapping the box contents.
- no inventory shrinkage from items going missing from the box
- no pallets of boxes to consume warehouse space because rolls of film take up much one twentieth the space
- reduction of individual package size by 30%
- reduction of primary packaging weight by 94%
- reduction in corrugate needed for secondary packaging to accommodate smaller primary packages
- reduced shipping costs, since same size corrugate holds more primary packages
- reduction in inbound shipping for chipboard not bought to be turned into boxes
- reduction in machinery and energy used in box creation
- less landfill usage and/or less stuff to recycle
If we follow this back through a Life Cycle Analysis, we will see less energy use in not processing the raw materials to make the boxes and less water use in not making the chipboard boxes, not to mention better land use in using fewer trees for packaging.
Can you think of other things we forgot?