What our customer taught us and you can benefit from.
Our customer bought a new FA-ST overwrapper to replace his 1940’s vintage FA overwrapper last year. They bought with the initial intent of using it only to wrap their shrink-wrapped, two-piece boxes of candy in seasonal gift paper. After some issues around programming the glue guns, using the appropriate glue and glue viscosity, they were able to get great wraps in seasonal gift paper with their FA-ST.
We pointed out to them that they could achieve some significant savings by switching from shrink wrap to overwrap and get a nicer looking package as well. They agreed in theory and their calculations on film savings supported that point. Since they planned ahead, they bought an FA-ST wrapper that could wrap with either paper or film.
They spent the first nine months using their new FA-ST to wrap only with paper, while they test marketed their overwrapped boxes. Recently they decided to start using film on their FA-ST. One thing they shared with us is that overwrapping a previously overwrapped product is much prettier and easier than overwrapping a previously shrink wrapper product. Evidently the ridges in the seams of the shrink wrap make a very uneven surface to overwrap.

You can see why it would be difficult to overwrap a shrink wrapped box
From seeing some shrink wrapped products and comparing them to overwrapped, we can see the challenge, although the picture on the right is not their product. Ridges in shrink wrap are very firm and offer no accommodation to another wrap.
Our customer is happier because they product now looks even better than they expected with less material used. We understand why they are happier using two layers of overwrap rather than a layer of overwrap over shrink wrap.
We are glad to be a part of their solution.