Last year when Kelly got busy wrapping, she could do as many as 75 of her delicious caramels per hour. At the end of the day she had to soak her hands in ice water to get the swelling down. Today, Kelly wraps 300-400 caramels an hour and her hands don’t swell, thanks to Package Machinery’s TTDF table top diefold machine.

mixed diefold wrapped goodies
Every fledgling entrepreneur in the candy, cookie, brownie and cupcake business should have one of these, so that their packaging is as easy as their mixing and baking.
Kelly adds a sticker to her heat sealed candies but that is not necessary.
Twist wrap for round candies or cookies is also available.
Whether it is a wrapper for candies or a semi-automatic wrapper for trays or boxes, Package Machinery offers the finest and easiest to operate wrappers for growing companies.
Talk to us about how we can help you or your customer, so we can watch business take off.