Wrap Styles

How to Choose a Wrap Style

How many ways can I wrap something and what do the different wrapping techniques mean?

People use shrink wrap all the time without understanding that you can put film around a package in many different ways and that different films have different properties. This applies to paper, cellophane, waxed paper as alternate materials that are used to wrap.

So let’s discuss what those different ways are, and the pros and cons of each.

What is Overwrapping?

What is Diefold Wrapping?

What is Flow Wrapping?

What is Shrink Wrapping?

What is Candy Bar/Gum Wrap?


In order to use these calculators, you must have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer. Note to Mac users: these links will download the Excel document onto your computer.

Overwrap vs. Shrink and Film Calculator

Film Sheet Calculator

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